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Showing posts from April, 2021

Sweet Redolence

The cake slid down the wall leaving a chocolatey trail. Anne had found a recipe and retrieved ingredients that morning. The baking was timed so the cake was warm when Charley returned. After a victorious game, she opened the kitchen door as Anne carried the cake out. They laugh when remembering, years later.

Warm Resonance Maximal

Music performed by  at least 18 musicians written for wherever it finds me. Interlocking in to bone moving meditating blossoming and blooming voices and instruments encompassing such life melding, building layers of dense mineral of softest tissue paper leaving and returning running back again and encircling. Rich in texture soothing in time navigating tension and re- never quite dissipate becoming tonic enshrines the bodies pulses, triumphantly here anew.

Together Defined

Like how words, alone have meanings, but come to life in relation to other words, I think people, are defined and understood, by their relationships with other people. At the moment, the world, or my world at least, feels like a dictionary of solitary meanings, devoid of the interactions that animate a novel or a film and fill it with humanity. 

"Hope" is the thing with feathers 2021

While feathers, are often attached to little Birds, who will sing through storms, the purpose of those feathers is to lift up and help leave at any sign of threat. Sometimes this is a tactless human, who flights the thing with feathers, further up the tree and sometimes it's a change of seasons, when the thing will rise and leave its perch and so, the souls songless season. Even here there is hope, I suppose. The coldest, cruellest, loneliest winter gives way to a spring in which formations of formative things with feathers, return with a new tune, to sing.