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Showing posts from July, 2021

Re: Plan for Today

Feeling freshly threshed, I left. Into yawning jaws I left seeming lifetimes past. Arrange integral parts once more. Hoping grouping sits once more, a last hopeful prop.  Some day freedom calls for me, this is not the time. For me: endure some more still.

Order Control

-------------- a cosmic bow -------------- fires the arrow of time ------------------------ unerringly ----------- from order to disorder ------------------------ which still revolts ------------------- my organised brawling mind ------------------------------ historically ------------ an enduring pattern-noter ---------------------------- bringing a taste ----------------- of control to the discord -------------------------- always hasty -------------- I'm compelled to grasp order ------------------------------- ------------------------------- the sway is sweet ------------------- to escape chances mercy -------------------------- just for a beat --------------- may keep me rising early -------------------------->


Life exists within the tail's extremes, but we all fall within a bell curve, in the end. All are unique  but average, in most respects. We are special because of the multitudes and their combination - not because we are tall, or beautiful or strong. Our day- to-day experiences vary so wildly, but so little too. It's all just needs, connections, perseverance, struggle and luscious levity and respite. A liberation arrives in exceptionality leaving - it's unneeded and unwanted here. If only feelings would fall in line with a firm logic and its survey of a  life

Wandering Melody

"Oh, what a wonderful melody!" It was such a joyful exclamation, said with her whole body. She was pacing around and wondering where it came from, while the tune spiralled round her.  "It sounds like something I'd write... but better." Allowing herself the creator, she let it play out, filling in harmony. Trying a response to the muse's call, she explored a new melody to answer the first. Not quite right, she realised.  "Take a step back, try again." But she couldn't turn around. The response had subsumed its question. Leaving her doused in ice, the melody was gone.